Monday 28 November 2011

Art & Copy Review and Would a Product Exists Without Advertising?

After watching Art & Copy I felt I had a better insight into the world and business I would like to come apart of. To me the movie is revealing, exciting and informative. The documentary shows off some of the biggest names in the advertising world, such as Wieden and Kennedy, Hal Riney and George Louis. I shows how concepts were conceived and how they were developed into the greatest adverts.

I watched this film with my girlfriend who didn't quite have the same opinion of the film. She is currently studding business at MMU. She thought the film was very self righteous and that it was a bunch of advertisers advertising themselves in a documentary about advertising, suggesting that they were the best and that advertising was the best business in the world. I find it interesting to see her point of view on the whole subject of advertising and she raised the question that there could be no advertising without a business/product in the first place. I agreed that if there was no business or product then there would be no advertising. However, without advertising I do not think the business or the product would be anything.

It is interesting to see another person view on the subject that isn't in advertising and I it'd be interesting to see what other people think.

Friday 25 November 2011

For All Us Wannabe Advertisers

A film came out in 2009 called Art & Copy.
Art & Copy is a film documentary directed by Doug Pray about the advertising industry in the U.S. The film follows the careers of people from "advertising's creative revolution of the 1960s", including Hal Riney, George Lois, Mary Wells Lawrence, Dan Wieden, and Lee Clow. The documentary covers advertising campaigns such as "Just Do It", "I Love New York", "Where's the Beef?", "I Want My MTV", "Got Milk?", and "Think Different".

Monday 21 November 2011

What Will They Think of Next?

A computer has been developed that can recognise the emotional state of the person communicating with it, and could then be taught to respond accordingly. It has been developed by a collaboration between computer scientists at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and the Universidad de Granada. They created the system to recognise negative emotions such as anger, boredom and doubt.

Just thought it was pretty cool.

Check it out at

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Form Before Function

Researching my latest project I came across some very unconventional but very cool designs for everything from watches, coffee kits and baths to sofas, bottles and USB sticks.
The website shows concept designs, sketches and final products.

These are some of my favourite unconventional but really cool products from the website.

ORA Watch Concept

Milk packaging

Check out the site at